giovedì 24 febbraio 2011


Hi everyone, it has been a long time that I last updated my blog... I'm sorry for that! There were a lot of things going on and I didn't have any freetime :(

But today I'm finishing an important work and after that I can dedicate more time on illustration. I would like to partecipate at some contests, I can't wait to start to do something with my hands and not just with the computer :)

In the meanwhile I had the opportunaty to create the graphic design of the debut CD for a young band Silvia and the Fishes on Friday, with the beautiful illustrations of Anna Mattiuzzo! They should be ready for weekend, I'll post the photos as soon as they come out of the typography!

Above: my version made by Adobe Illustrator of the artwork for the CD cover
Original illustration by Anna Mattiuzzo

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