giovedì 31 marzo 2011

"E' disevin che in che cjase..." illustrator students' exhibition in Fagagna

Spring has come :) at least, it definitely seems so...!

This year I didn't have time to go to the Bologna Children's Book Fair due to work... but my friend will bring me the exhibition catalogue, so I can't wait to see this years' selected illustrators!

And finally our annual illustrator students' exhibition will open on this saturday at 17 at the Cjase Cocel of Fagagna (a sort of museum/house of the friulian folk culture).

Illustrator students' exhibition of the School
"Scuola d'Arti e Mestieri Giovanni da Udine"
Cjase Cocel, Fagagna
opening at 17
free entrance
this year's theme was 'Miths from the friulian folk traditions'
project coordination Maurizio Faleschini

postcard illustration
Francesca Pacitti
graphic design Nicoletta Cecotti

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